Greetings Beloved ones 


Channelled by Liat Nava Aliya 

We are The Council of Light- City of light- Andromeda 

This is Ascended Master Abu Myra 

We channel you today on  The 999 and the Energies of Completion 

There are many of you feeling the “crunch” at present.  This takes on many forms as you complete your karma for this year of COMPLETION.  You will sometimes wonder why a person or event has occurred in your life and it is simple.  You need to look at your karmic issues and they need to be completed.  Your karma is a re-payment of debt of events that you in another lifetime accumulated by your own very actions.  Many of you do not wish to face these actions, but this is why you have come to earth.  And this is why at this present time you are feeling it. 

Your emotional states of being at present are a good indication that work needs to be completed.  Ask for guidance from your guides and teams that assist you and be prepared to listen for the answers.  For they come not only in what they try to tell you and that you think you cannot hear, but symbol form, you may read a book, see a movie, be motivated to have a tarot reading or have a session with someone.  You may have a flash vision. 

Beloved ones you are able to complete these issues if you listen to your own inner feelings and be guided by them.  If you do not listen to your own inner guidance you will find yourselves in a very uncomfortable place indeed.  This too will reflect outwardly in your emotional state of being as the issues that you came to complete tug and pull you to do so.  Do not let ego get in the way of your completion phase, place your fears aside and begin to step into the truth and that includes the truths of what you need to complete at this very time.  If you think that you have no issues to complete at this time, then you are fooling none other than yourself, the path you choose to tread then will only become harder until you see that work needs to be done.  Your very souls are crying out to you to complete your issues.  It takes an honest human being to sit back and say “OK I was wrong, I still have work to do”. 

A good idea is to look at any negative emotion, thought interjection that you are currently feeling at this present time.  Also ask yourself why it is that you are drawn to set up projects with others to aid and assist other human beings who are not so fortunate, or who need assistance.  Sometimes, the way you wish to go is not always 100% correct, but try another, or another, eventually it will “hit the jackpot”.  If you are following your diving inner voice, then it will be no problem in following your intuition.  This intuition is a good indication for you.  It is not something you are used to going by, as human beings want “Solid proof”.  You won’t get any, what you will get is the sequence of events that occur in lighting time span.  This is your proof that you are indeed following your intuition. 

This aids you in completing your karmic issues.  Ask yourselves what it is that needs to be completed now, for the energies of the 999, 9 September 2007 will amplify them and urge you even more to complete your cycle. 

Should you wish and if you have faced a karmic issue and wish to release it, Liat did a channelling that is beneficial.  link to Release of Karma

The benefits of this phase of completion will further release you and aid you in becoming able to inscend more of your higher beings.  It places you in the next phase of ascension and ready to embrace the year of the “10” (2008).

The City of Light Andromeda honours you in this process. 

This is Ascended Master Abu Myra. 

Channelled by Liat Nava Aliya 

* a note from Liat*

We are beings that love to learn, but we are also lazy in doing so while in human form.  We can also be so caught up in worldly chaos and issues, that it’s easy to go to bed at night and put aside what needs to be done on ourselves.  We also need to look DUALITY aspects of ourselves and not DENY that they exist, but acknowledge that we have the choice.